Thursday, November 19, 2020

Filter Jams


Project 2 Digital Sketch


Story Beats for Young Goodman Brown

 Before Image:

1) Faith, Brown's wife has a bad feeling as he leaves for the forest

2) Brown meets a man with a serpent staff

3) Brown sees all those he thought good Christians going to the forest ceremony

4) Brown says he'll resist the Devil for Faith's sake (her pink cap ribbon falls from the sky)

5)  Brown thinks Faith gave in to the Devil and lets the serpent staff guide him to the voices of his townspeople as he reaches the ceremony clearing

During Image:

1) Brown sees a clearing with fire-lit trees surrounding it, an altar-like stone, and "unholy" peoples chanting

2) Brown sees his father and other townspeople tempting him forward

3) Brown sees a figure stand on the altar where there is a pool of red liquid, beckoning forwards converts

4) The townspeople with firey torches, drag Faith forward

5) Brown cries for Faith to look to the Heavens and not give in to the Devil

After Image:

1) Brown finds himself alone in the woods

2) Brown returns to Salem in the morning, bewildered and confused

3) Brown becomes suspicious of everyone, thinking the whole town evil

4) Brown can no longer stand hearing the church sermons, thinking the whole lot of them hypocrites

5) Brown lives the rest of his life in fear and dies

Candles and Fruit - Curiosity


Project #2 Focal Points Order